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    It’s not unusual for me to show up at work and find bird things on my desk — photographs, books, newspaper clippings, feathers, nests. My office is avian chaos, but I don’t…

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    What’s Not to Love?

    Here in Fairfax, it’s a hot night that smells like honeysuckle. There are people in this town who look like they haven’t changed a bit since 1972, when I was six years…

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    Who’s Your Granny?

    I drove from Berkeley to Big Sur this week, determined not to go faster than 60 mph. I had just paid for my first $4 gallon of gas and it freaked me…

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    Helvetica, You Were Robbed

    I just watched a full-length documentary film about a font. And I loved it. So much that, right now, I’m supposed to be filling out a ballot for tonight’s Oscar party, but…

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    Who Says Your Vote Doesn’t Count?

    It’s been a good time on My Yahoo!. Almost every morning, there’s news of Barack Obama’s increasing momentum in the presidential primaries. It’s exciting to support a candidate that might actually have…

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    Are You Sick?

    When I was in law school, I was sick half the time. It usually had something to do with my lungs. I had pneumonia. I had pleurisy. Bronchitis was routine. My close…

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    Peace at the Pump

    There’s something about a gas station that makes me stupid. I know I’m not the only one, because every new car boasts some kind of technology — even if it’s just a…

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    A Call to Beauty

    I didn’t know anything about the mind of John O’Donohue until last year. The poet, philosopher, and former Catholic priest gave an interview in The Sun magazine (April 2007) in which he…

  • Food, Words

    Getting Grateful

    Last night my friend Diane and I went to Café Gratitude. The food is flawlessly raw and organic, and everything from the water to the check is brought to your table with…