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  • Preserves

    Hard Apple Cider Jelly

    I’ve been thinking a lot about jelly. I don’t care for it the same way I do jam or marmalade. I know that marmalade is just jelly with stuff in it, but…

  • Preserves

    Lingonberry Banana Jam

    This jam won Best of Show at the 2011 Marin County Fair. I almost didn’t make this jam, because I was afraid no one would like it. Banana jam sounds really weird…

  • Preserves

    Pomegranate Champagne Jelly

    A few weeks ago, a very nice man from POM Wonderful contacted me and asked whether he could send me a free case of pomegranate juice. That made me laugh. Then it…

  • Lingonberry Applesauce

    Lowbush Cranberry Applesauce

    Wilderness preserving experiments — cranberry applesauce front and center I’ve had this simple recipe in my pocket since we got back from Alaska in September. At the end of August, we had…

  • Preserves

    Spicy Quince and Apple Chutney

    I had to wrestle this month’s Can Jam challenge to the ground. I love the ingredients that the Cosmic Cowgirl chose for us: apples, pears, and quince. (Stephanie is also the proprietress…

  • Food, Preserves

    Hot Plums and Black Dogs

    If you have hot plum jelly — or if you want to make hot plum jelly — might I suggest that this would be a fine thing to do with it? These are golden fried wantons, stuffed . . .

  • Preserves

    Quince-Orange-Cardamom Marmalade

    “They dined on mince and slices of quince, Which they ate with a runcible spoon; And hand in hand on the edge of the sand They danced by the light of the…

  • Preserves

    Preserved Roasted Red Peppers

    The Pigeons Go to Church, Barcelona, 2003 I’ve been waiting all year to try this recipe, but when the time came, I was almost too lazy to do it. The end of…

  • Low Bush Cranberry Rosehip Conserve

    Lingonberry Rosehip Conserve

    When sorting rosehips, bring your patience. As someone who can’t stop putting food in jars, I sometimes get my priorities confused. On one hand, I have a compulsion to forage. I don’t…

  • Preserves

    Jam and Booze Made Easier

    This isn’t what it looks like. Yes, it is a bunch of booze on a hotel bedspread. But I can explain. Today, I’m on an impromptu road trip to enjoy some fall…

  • Preserves

    Simple Red Raspberry Jam

    It’s impossible to hold on to a sour mood when you have three pounds of beautiful raspberries in a farm box on your lap. I tried, but it didn’t work. After a…