  • Birds

    Pigeons First

    When I first saw Gem, I thought he was three feet tall. That was a powerful misperception, given that he is in reality just 10 1/2 ounces of flesh and bone and…

  • Words

    The Little Sound

      Be a person here. Stand by the river, invoke the owls. Invoke winter, then spring. Let any season that wants to come here make its own call. After that sound goes…

  • Preserves

    Homemade Orange Soda Syrups

    A recipe for simple homemade orange syrup for sodas or drinks, plus three variations: orange mint, orange cardamom, and orange elderflower.

  • Preserves

    Making Jam From Frozen Fruit

    Last year, two things came into my life that changed the way I preserve fruit. One was an upright storage freezer, which now lives in the basement. The other was a Food…

  • Preserves

    Quince Meyer Lemon Marmalade

    ‘ve experimented with several variations on the quince-based marmalade theme and (other than orange) this version using Meyer lemons is by far my favorite.

  • Garden

    February in the Garden

    This is what it’s like in the February garden. The soiled rag, the oilcloth hanging half off the table, the untrimmed ivy. (The forever untrimmed ivy.) But I love the warm morning…

  • Preserves

    Rangpur Lime Jam

    On Sunday, I picked nineteen pounds of Rangpur limes. (I have the scratches to prove it. Rangpur trees are thorny!) I sent eleven pounds out to the folks who won them in…

  • Preserves

    Meet Your Rangpur Limes

    As every gardener knows, what you hope or intend for your little patch of earth isn’t always what you get. Like last spring when I accidentally planted hot peppers thinking they were…