I have a little New Year’s gift for you. To help you get your 2011 kitchen-related goals off to a good start, I’m giving away a $25 CHEFS Catalog gift card. Yay! Your gift will also include a little jar of good jam, chosen grab-bag style.
To enter this random drawing, leave a comment below telling me at least one new thing you’d like to do in the kitchen in 2011. We’ve finally fixed the stupid panel that kept falling off the front of the dishwasher and installed a wall-mounted fire extinguisher, but here are ten other items on my own kitchen list, in no particular order:
- Get a new gas range. (Ours is so psychotic! It fluctuates by more than 125 degrees at any setting.)
- Install new overhead lighting so I can tell the difference between my thumb and the fruit I’m cutting.
- Waste less food. Keep composting.
- Get back to working one weekly shift in the kitchen at the St. Vincent free dining room in San Rafael.
- Paint the cabinets red.
- Thoroughly explore the Joy of Cooking
. (Thanks, mom, for getting me what I wanted for Christmas!)
- Get a chinois sieve.
- Find some great new podcasts to enjoy while jamming. (I particularly like The Moth, Selected Shorts, and Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me!, but I’d love to branch out if you have other suggestions.)
- Look for a good solution to the problem of plastic kitchen garbage bags.
- Get an energy-efficient, stand-alone freezer for the basement.
I’ll pick a winner on January 9. When you comment, please be sure I know how to reach you. I want you to win, but if I can’t figure out how to contact you, I’ll draw again. Include an email address in your comment if necessary.
Good luck!
We have a winner: Congratulations to Anduin! Here’s a little summary of the wonderful things everyone is planning to do this year. Thanks, all, for entering the giveaway!